This Is The Nike Colin Kaepernick Ad That’s Making Some White Americans Go Crazy

Some conservative white Americans are going crazy and taking their anger onto the sportswear brand Nike.

The source of all their frustrations is that Nike is using Colin Kaepernick, the American football star, as the face of its 30th-anniversary campaign called “Just do it.”

Colin Kaepernick came to attention when he started kneeling whenever the American National Anthem was played at the start of a match instead of standing.

Colin was protesting police brutality of minority groups in the United States especially the black community.

But some conservative American accused Colin of disrespecting the American flag and the anthem by refusing to stand when it’s played. They say Colin was also disrespecting the many American soldiers who have laid down their lives to protect the freedom and liberty they enjoy today and for which the anthem symbolizes.

However, they have also forgotten that civil disobedience and protest is also a right enjoined the same freedoms that the military men and women fought for.

By conveniently ignoring that fact, the conservatives see Nike’s choice of Colin as its ambassador as an endorsement of Colin’s message.

Since the news broke, some have resulted to burning their Nike shoes and cutting the Nike tick logo off their socks and other Nike products they own.

Meanwhile, the internet has also turned the Nike campaign into something that it does best – creating meme.

This is the Nike Ad video we can’t get over…

Just do it.


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