American Survives fatal accident & robbery

On 23rd November, 2018 three passengers allegedly stole a Lyft driver’s vehicle in Accra, Ghana and took it for a fatal, 1 p.m. joyride. The carjackers, described as three adult males, two died from their injuries, and the third got away with robbery, stealing the handbags and wallets from the victims they got into contact with according to the Adabraka Polica Station. They had gotten picked up by a 46-year-old Lyft driver from the area on Friday morning and driven around for a few minutes before eventually setting upon him. The driver pulled over and the three men allegedly threatened his life. He managed to get out of the car and called 191. The carjackers, meanwhile, took off, speeding past a barbier in the process, according to police. “The deputy clocked the vehicle traveling 112 mph as it drove past him,” he stated. “As the deputy tried to catch up to the speeding vehicle, he approached...