GH To The World: Empire Star Taraji Drags Ghana Into Nike’s Colin Kaepernick Ad Debate

If you go to America today, one thing almost everybody is talking about is an advert from the sportswear brand, Nike.

The conservative Americans are just going crazy over the fact that Nike chose to endorse Colin Kaepernick, an American quarterback who chooses to kneel instead of stand whenever the American National Anthem is played.

Colin is doing that in protest against police brutality of minority groups, especially black people.

Matching the Nike backlash from the conservatives is the total support of liberals and people from minority backgrounds.

Empire star, Taraji P Henson is one of the celebrities who has publicly declared their support for both Nike and Colin.

But for us, it is the way that she did it that made us super proud.

She did it and pushed Ghana music to the world.

Taraji shared a video of girls dancing on the street of London with Nii Funny’s “Gbogbo” song playing in the background on her IG with the caption “Dancing in my @Nike shoes like…….I ain’t going back and forth with you bigots!!! 💪🏾🙌🏾 @Nike #JustDoIt 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽 we got you @kaepernick7 and EVERYTHING YOU STAND FOR BECAUSE YOU STAND FOR HUMANITY!!!”

The video has been viewed more than a million times on Instagram.

While Taraji is supporting Nike and Colin, she is also selling Ghana!!!!

Does she even understand the words of the song?…lol


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