The issue of child marriage is addressed in a number of international conversations and gatherings. The conversations on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women.
 Early marriages are marriages that happen between people under the age of eighteen. Marriage before the age of eighteen is a fundamental violation of human rights. Worldwide, as many as 650million women alive today married before they turned eighteen. Each year, 12 million girls are married before the age of eighteen, that’s 23 girls every minute, nearly 1 every 2 seconds. This is a gobal issue that needs to be solved.

A lot of countries practice early marriages some includes Niger, Central African Republic, Chad, Bangladest etc. The perception that marriage will provide protection, family honor, social norms, customary or religious laws that condone the practice. These norms and religious laws describes early marriage as a good approach.
        Early marriage cuts short the fun of teenage life and being young. The drudgeries of married life can get to these young ones. They are deprived of their Education.The dreams of these girls are shuttered due to getting married at an early age. As a young girl giving birth to another child, the knowledge of child care may be limited and parental guidance is also a problem. Early marriage or child marriage is driven by poverty and has many effects on the girls health. This act also traps girls and their families in a cycle of poverty. As a girl is married as a child, her ability to become financially independent is over.
       Also girls who are married as adolescents to men who have hand many previous sexual partners are likely to contract sexually transmitted disease. At a younger age and getting pregnant, young girls are vulnerable to illness like Cervical cancer, obstetric fistulas, Malaria. There is also increase in maternal mortality. Girls are also at a risk of getting prematured babies. This practice is also a major barrier to gender equality as young girls are not able to achieve their dreams.
The fight against Early Child marriage must be something the whole world must come together as one and fight so as to help these young girls achieve their dreams and goals..
Let’s educate are girl child and not exchange them as trade all in the name of fighting poverty.

Written by : NINA


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