Michael Rainey Jr, more popularly known through his on-screen character Tariq St Patrick, has long declared his love for Jamaica. In fact, when the star of 'Power' visited the island earlier this month, he referred to Jamaica as his first home pointing out that he has a special place in his heart for the black, green and gold During that interview with THE STAR, Rainey's mother, Shauna revealed that the actor had begun the process to get his Jamaican passport and Citizenship by descent. She said her son's love affair with Jamaica gives her a great feeling, especially since most of his family is of Jamaican descent. She said his trip had been all about connecting with his roots and that the actor had been having the time of his life. "He has been having so much fun, he doesn't wanna leave. He's already talking about coming back for DREAM Weekend and his birthday," she said. "It's so nice, and for him (to be getting his citizenship), s...
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